Hello everyone and welcome to my first blog and to this brand new website, very exciting times.
We welcome anyone to come and visit us at our fantastic Gallery just let us know when you would like to visit and we will open just for you so you can have your very own private view, there is lots and lots of work to choose from with a separate building also housing lots of paintings on racks for easy viewing and we can take those to the Gallery for your viewing pleasure. There are prices to suit all budgets and we also sell blank cards.
As you can see from the website we have everything in one place now so if you are interested in prints, original work or any of our painting courses residential or day courses all the information is here, you can of course always make a request for any other information you require we are always happy to help.
We will publish a quarterly blog and additional ones for any special events or shows etc.
If you would like to subscribe to these for free please do so here.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.